Somerset Single Dating Events

  1. Somerset Single Dating Events Near Me
  2. Somerset Single Dating Events 2020
  3. Somerset Single Dating Events

There are lots of companies in and around Bristol and the wider Somerset area. Events in Somerset. To search for singles events in Somerset check out our events listing. We have singles events, balls, dating events, activity weekends and lots more happening. There has never been a Covid-19 outbreak linked to a crowded beach, MPs have heard. Professor Mark Woolhouse, professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, told the.

Singles Events in Somerset


The world of dating is fun, sociable and a joy to be part of, especially if you're making the most of the platforms and events that are readily available at your fingertips. Singles in Somerset not only have access to top dating sites that have lots of men and women ready to chat but also dating events that make meeting that special someone even more exciting! By signing up to one of the unique events you're opening yourself up to opportunities of meeting people you may not have otherwise crossed paths with. Depending on what event you decide to attend, you'll find singles with similar interests and you'll find bonding is easy as everyone is in the same boat! Once you take fate into your own hands you'll discover a new world of hobbies, interests, friends and hopefully your soul mate!

Your Dating Guide To The Most Effective Events and Meeting Places for New Jersey Singles Looking To Avoid The Bar Scene. Discover the variety of dating services and events for New Jersey singles; They include on-line match-up services, singles events, singles parties, speed dating events, and venues geared to singles meeting other singles without the frustration, pressure, and intimidation. Save North Somerset Virtual Professionals Breakfast to your collection. Fri, Feb 26, 2021 8:00 AM GMT (+00:00). (Singles Dating Event) to your collection.

Dating events are also a great way to meet someone you've been chatting with online, a controlled and safe stepping stone to progress a relationship. Dating events in Somerset are great because they're location based, everyone you'll meet will be local and so you'll have things in common straight away and the prospect of arranging a date will come easy to you both. If you're nervous about meeting new people or perhaps feel worried about the safety of meeting singles you've been chatting to online, you can take comfort in one of the evenings and you'll be left with confidence that all dating events and websites are safe and reliable. At a dating event you can progress your relationship with someone a little sooner than online, by chatting in person you can understand if you have physical attractions and chemistry straight away and by following the evening events you'll find you'll feel more connected immediately. Many people find it easier to bring a friend along and depending on the event you choose, you can bring someone to boost your confidence and make the evening more enjoyable! As you can imagine, these events are rising in popularity and so you'll have to book your place to avoid disappointment.


YES! Of course! The Social Group is the favourite social organisation for singles.

The Social Group was set up in the first place because of our own experience of being single and finding it really difficult to meet people and make new friends.

Before there was The Social Group, we tried everything, and to be honest, were pretty appalled at the choice…

  • We found the usual sad singles clubs had bizarre rules where women had to agree to dance with any man of any age who asked them, and then had to allow themselves be hit on in a really creepy way.
  • We found other local clubs who almost forced people to hold events in their own homes, paying to cater for the horde of complete strangers who descended upon them.
  • We found the stereotype dodgy dating agencies cost an arm and a leg, and the upshot was you found yourself sitting next to just one person of the opposite sex who was totally unsuitable, both of you feeling extremely awkward and pressured.
  • We found the classified ads had no safeguards at all – and we were told some real horror stories of meeting the types of people you definitely would not wish to mix with.
  • We understood that not everyone had time for an expensive night school class, or wanted to put their life at risk going parachuting or bungee jumping with a gung-ho extreme sports company.

There was just nothing really suitable.

We recognised a need for something completely different to the tired old stigma of traditional singles clubs with their tacky ‘singles discos’ and boring back room of a pub ‘meetings’.

There had to be a better way…

So, we came to the conclusion, that to get what we wanted, we would have to set it up and run it ourselves. And to run it properly, that would require a proper office and full time staff, so we would need to charge for the service. But the end result would be to offer something a lot better!


The Social Group is the best way to meet someone special and find romance.

Not everyone who is single is looking for a partner – or wants it to look obvious! The Social Group is a great way to meet someone special, but with us not making ‘desperate’ our raison d’etre, we offer a much nicer, more respectable, and more normal way to find romance for those who do.

Of course, many of our large number of single members are looking for romance – and The Social Group is ideal. In fact, we have had soooooooo many people meet and get-together via The Social Group that Cathy’s wedding hat is worn out!

Naturally, many single people would like to meet a partner and The Social Group is the very best way to do just that. At Social Group Events you can take part by yourself without the feeling that you are in a pressured or uncomfortable environment. One of the main things we offer is the effort to make you feel welcome as one of our personal ‘group of friends’ and the high standards of customer service we adhere to, with everything being run properly and in accordance with all government guidelines.

Sometimes our single members meet someone they hit it off with straight away. Other times it takes a bit longer. But of course, joining in with the group and having lots of fun and good company is what this is all about, so for many, meeting someone as well is a bonus.

If you don’t meet Mr or Miss Right straight away, don’t forget your membership if for a full year! We hope you will remember to keep coming out with The Social Group, bearing in mind that new people join all the time, and that special person who is going to be right for you may not be joining until next week!

In the meantime you have the opportunity to make some nice friends of both sexes. The people who get the most out of this, join in, have fun, contribute something of themselves to being good company, and give it the necessary time and patience.


Existing friends are not always available. We are!

In today’s busy world, you probably don’t have time to do all the organising to have a top-notch social life. What we offer is a short-cut to a great social life. We do all the organising for you!

Some single people are not especially looking for romance.

Some have just come out of a relationship and don’t feel ready for such commitment yet, perhaps following bereavement or divorce. Others are new to the area and are mostly just looking to find their feet. Some are happy being by themselves. Others just like all the different social events and activities they can join in with. And others join us just to go on the enjoyable UK weekends and fabulous international holidays!

Some single people just want some enjoyable and like-minded company to enjoy normal everyday outings with.

You can feel so conspicuous going to a restaurant by yourself, or sitting in a pub alone. Going to the theatre or cinema by yourself can feel terribly uncomfortable. By yourself, some things are really taboo. Other things, such as bigger parties are really much better with some company to join in with. And other things, such as outdoor activities, are simply not possible if they are only for groups. While holidays as a solo traveller can be really daunting, and much less safe by yourself.

The fact is, if you want to take part in many of the fun things in life when you are on your own, you need to find a way to have other people to join in with.

That something is The Social Group.


Somerset Single Dating Events Near Me

With Social Group membership, there is no need to be lonely and fed up at home, feeling isolated, with just the telly or internet for company.

Come out to our fabulous variety of social events, meet other members, enjoy some really good company with real people, and make lasting friendships!

Our intention was always to put in place something safe and reliable, without it being stuffy and dull. After all these years, we’ve attracted some really nice people and everyone ought to be able to join in and enjoy themselves.


Some singles like having company to go out to dinner with. Some singles enjoy taking part in the bigger parties and balls. Some people love the range of outdoor activities and adventure sports we include.

Whether you are a lady who lunches, or a party animal who likes to get up and boogie, or an adventure junkie who enjoys trying something new, The Social Group can cater for you!

Many single people really enjoy taking part in the fabulous international Social Group Holidays at group discount prices, and saving hundreds of pounds when we find them someone to share a room with, and without any single supplements to pay.

We think the best thing The Social Group offers is an instant ‘group of friends’ to do all the things you wouldn’t or couldn’t do on your own.

We organise all manner of social events, dining out, walks, activities, themed events, entertainment, parties, balls, weekend breaks, and holidays. All offering the opportunity to meet people in a friendly, informal, respectable, and safe environment.

Somerset Single Dating Events 2020

Most of all, when you join The Social Group, you will have FUN!

Somerset Single Dating Events

Since 1997 we have developed something completely unique for single people to enjoy. The Social Group is number one for singles!